Protect Your Smile
We love mouthguards here. We recommend mouthguards to almost every single patient. I personally can’t go to sleep at night without one. I tend to clench and grind my teeth. And if I don’t wear one, I’ll wake up in the morning, and my jaw is sore, and my teeth are sore. I’ll get headaches. And so, you know, beyond just the symptoms that happen from not wearing a mouthguard, people come in every week every day with broken teeth because of it. Clenching and grinding your teeth will cause those large fillings in your mouth to fracture, and so we are constantly extracting teeth, needing to do root canals, we need to do crowns on these teeth that are just not very stable, that are just taking a beating at nighttime because you’re clenching your teeth because you’re stressed because everybody has stress. So, I always recommend nightguards to all of our patients no matter what.